The Multiworld

Welcome to the Multiworld!

A universe full of strange lands and many worlds willing to completely disregard the laws of nature to make your stay as interesting as possible! For better or for worse.

Read about all the Worlds in The World List.

The Worlds

The Multiworld is full of them and they are the thing that makes it what it is. Some Worlds are dangerous and should never be entered by humans (some are dangerous enough that they have never been documented and their existance is merely speculation.), others are safe havens for explorers. But none are more fit for human existance than World 0A - our World. Along side your regular full infinite Worlds, there are also spaces that aren't quite Worlds, but also can't exactly be pinpointed as being part of any other World. These are called "Subworlds", sometimes Subworlds are only accessible from one World and sometimes they can be accessed from multiple. They are usually far simpler and smaller than full Worlds, often as small as just a room, but infinite Subworlds do exist.

You can read about every World and Subworld that has been documented in the World list, which lists all of them with hyperlinks to their pages.

World Naming

Worlds do have colloquial names (such as calling World 1A "Forest" or World 1C "Dream"), however other more formal systems for naming Worlds have been proposed. One of those systems categorizes Worlds into layers and then orders each World within that layer using letters in alphabetical order. Every World is named as [the layer number][the World's letter]. So our World would be "World 0A" in this system, meanwhile "City II" would be "World 2B". This system is known as "layer naming" and is the primary system we use.

The other system is less popular, but still notable. This system simply assigns a number to each World, starting with Our World being numbered "0" and then every other World is given a number in a fairly arbitrary order. The exact order isn't based on any inherent properties of the World and is more or less just the order in which the Worlds were documented (though plenty exceptions exist). This system is known as "numerical naming".

In casual conversation, though, Worlds are usually simply refered to with their colloquial names, as discussed above.

Beings and Phenomena

Beings and Phenomena are creatures and events that appear outside World 0A. No mobile Being or Phenomenon has ever made it to World 0A. Despite Beings and Phenomena seeming to be two entirely different things, they are known to be two sides of a spectrum. Phenomena often seem to have sentience similar to that of Beings or Animals and likewise Beings often seem non-material in a similar way that Phenomena are. And of course there's everything else that can't be clearly classified as a Being or Phenomenon.