The Multiworld

World 1C - "Dream"


World 1C is a World fundamentally themed around dreams. This does make it rather unusual as most Worlds are based on physical elemnts of World 0A, rather than parts of human psyche.

One arrives in World 1C by finding a old wooden door in one of their dreams, at which point they become completely conscious and aware of the fact that they are dreaming and that the door isn’t supposed to be there. Such a person will still be filled with curiosity regardles and many do still walk through the door. Doing so leads to a staircase, usually going up, rarely going down and if they walk to the end their body will be instantly and seemlessly woken up and taken to World 1C.

The dream one starts off in are most commonly them exploring their childhood homes, or other places they are very familiar with, but haven’t been in for a very long time. People become more likely to make a World 1C dream with age.

Ignoring the door leading to World 1C will usually take you back to a regular dream state, though some people have woken up immediately and many have been able to retain their lucid state.

Real World Body

When a person enters World 1C from a dream their entire physical, previously asleep, body is instantly transported there. Despite just being asleep those who enter World 1C never have any fatigue left over from the fact. If anybody happened to be watching the asleep person entering World 1C, they’ll find that their body will simply be gone at some point with its exact moment of dissapearance not registering at all in the viewers vision.


World 1C’s appearance is very personal to the person exploring it, always being an extension to the location they were in right before finding the door. Straingely enough the places always seem to get almost close to something very specific that the explorer can recognise but never quite there.

The arrangements of objects usually make sense except that some of them will be arranged non-sensically. This will usually be something minor like a window and a painting overlapping or a chair facing directly into a couch or a slide in a playground being completely inaccessible by typical means.


Despite the state of lucidity and reality, an explorer’s perception inside of World 1C will still remain dreamlike in a way. Often explorers will find themselves with fake memories or weird delusions. Being absolutely convinced that they have some history with the world they are in beyond just the similarity to a recognisable place.

These beliefs and memories experienced by explorers in World 1C are rarely permanent. The vast majory of the time they fade on their own or, if the explorer exits World 1C, they immediately cease to see these beliefs or memories as real.

Only five cases of such memories or beliefs persisting have been noted so far. It is exteremely rare for World 1C’s impact on perception to persist like this. Likewise only three cases have been noted of people continuing to see the world as somewhat dreamlike after staying in World 1C. In all of these cases the effects in perception still faded on their own and the explorers returned to normal after only a few days at most.

Beings and Phenomena

Only one being and one phenomenon have been spotted in World 1C.

Watchers are tall pitch black vaguely humanoid figures with poorly discernable limbs and a dimly glowing spot near the top. This spot always follows the explorer. The figure itself will usually stay completely still and unmoving except for the glowing spot. When attempting to approach a Watcher, it will quickly spring into life and run away. Watchers haven’t been spotted in other Worlds yet, so they are considered exclusive to World 1C.

Speech is an event where a disembodied voice begins to speak to an explorer or explorers. World 1C’s Speech always occurs in the language most familiar to the explorer. When speaking to multilingual explorers who don’t have a single most familiar language, they’ll usually use a mix of languages that is understandable to the explorer. Topics discussed by World 1C’s Speech range from nostalgia, memories, childhood or old friends all the way to simply any topic that the explorer happens to be interested in at the time. The mood of the Speech is always neutral. They are never outwardly negative or positive about the topics they discuss.


World 1C is connected to World 0A and World 3A.

If one spends enough time in World 1C eventually they’ll begin to once again strongly feel like they’re in a dream and their perception will feel decreasingly less real. Eventually the explorer will completely lose their lucidity and will wake back up in World 0A. Usually in the place where they originally fell asleep, but people have occasionally woken up in unrelated locations, sometimes even in the place they dreamt about prior to entering World 1C.

If one’s World 3 is themed around an indoors space, it’s possible to find a hallway that doesn’t seem to resemble anything familiar at all. This hallway will usually have a vibrant blue carpet and wooden walls. Entering this hallway will take the explorer to World 3A.
Alternatively if one’s World 1C stays outdoors, they might find a building with an unlocked door, that leads to the same kind of wooden hallway. Likewise entering it will also take the explorer to World 3A.