Welcome to my boring ahh website where I will talk about myself and post about the things I make!

I don't wanna go into much detail here because that's already all covered by the about me so there's really no point to repeat myself here.
Instead I will talk about random esoteric things that feel like they fit here!

What the hell is that background?

I guess that's not really a question since there are quite a few neocities websites I've seen with strange abstract backgrounds (but i don't really know, I'm very new to neocities and website development as a whole myself). Thing is that my background is not abstract at all! It's in a writing system of mine called RBLS, it's a phonetic way to write English and is also not really that good for actually conveying words, it's mainly meant to look funky and I think I've achieved that. The background just says my name - Sylvia - repeatadly and then loops back in on itself. Thanks Krita's looping feature!
bebe sylviabebe sylviabebe sylvia

Why did I licence my website like what lol?

I make a lot of stuff related to worldbuilding and conlanging that I will put here and some people might wanna use the things I make in some way, but are unsure of the copyright and stuff aroudn it. That's why the licencing is there. Unlike my website, though, my languages are all CC0, whereas the things I write so my worldbuilding and characters and artwork I post and whatever else is CC BY-SA 4.0. That means that you can freely use my stuff in your stuff so long as you abide by the terms described by Creative Commons. I might actually use a different licence whenever I remake my website on its own host and domain that will be separate from neocities but for the time being I'm here and use this licence.

I just wanna talk about the Multiworld...

Here used to exist a long segment about how I really wanna talk about my most recent and biggest worldbuilding project so far called "the Multiworld" and how I just don't have it on my website yet. Well it's here now, at Very unfinished as you will quickly find and at the time of writing this the only article that is readable is the one for World 0. Arguably the most boring one since that one is literally just our world. More to come soon! Right after I get over this mountain of schoolwork.......................................................................................................... ok i have to stop putting dots here at some point