This is just gonna be entirely regurgitated from my page. Intended to replace it. Well here goes. (as it turns out it is that, but i also added a lot of stuff that didn't use to be there so that's cool)

Name And Pronouns

I may not have blue hair but I do have pronouns.
My name is Sylvia, usual nickname is Masela, occasionally Maselek though I rarely use that one anymore.
My pronouns are she/her, but I don't mind they/them. I do mind he/him and it/its and neopronouns though, please don't use those to refer to me.
I sometimes like to use "Necro" as a stand-in for my deadname (it's short for necronym which means deadname!).
More on my gender and sexuality (or lack there of) in the about section just below!

About Me: The Essay

Wow oh my god is this the aformentioned About Me section down below?
That's right! I'm just going to copy paste from my because I am lazy wooo!
Hello! I'm Sylvia. I'm a transgender girl (demigirl, specifically). My birthday is on october twentyth.
Oh also I'm a quadruple A battery. Just felt like mentioning (Aro/Ace/Autism/ADHD (currently pursuing AuDHD diagnosis due to suspicion from my gender psychologist and also like the fact that I am actually struggling with them like gosh))
Okay that's it for the copy paste stuff, lemme elaborate on some of it now.
I am a demigirl! Mostly female, but only like half way there really, with a sprinkle of male and the rest is just empty gender space.
I am aro/ace! Well not super sure about the aro part and it's totally possible that once I get HRT my sexuality will expand and I will no longer be sexually attracted to literally no one, but we'll see. As for my romantic orientation I'm either completely aro, or demiromantic-panromantic (demiromantic meaning that I am only attracted romantically to people I am already close to)
I am autistic and have ADHD (most likely). Some people will dislike that I put this here because I am self diagnosed. I understand that, but I must make it clear that before actually letting myself use either of those labels I made sure of two things: Firstly, that my experience with both autism and ADHD actually matches that of those who are diagnosed (with some margin of error, it's a spectrum and all that); Secondly, that they actually cause me some kind of struggle. They're called disorders and disabilities for a reason! I'm not gonna go into detail with my personal experience, because that'd be lengthy and, well, personal, but I do genuinely struggle with the things I deemed to be symptoms of AuDHD. I am also pursuing diagnosis (mainly for ADHD cuz I really need the medication 😭😭😭)
And I am currently also pursuing (more actively for this one, it took priority I suppose) diagnosis of gender dysphoria... or transsexuality disorder... or gender incongruence, whatever we call "the thing that trans people have" these days. I am currently in the phase of meeting a psychologist every month or so to confirm that I'm not completely delusional and to get a paper saying that I'm not completely delusional, which I can then take to a psychiatrist who'll finally be able to diagnose me, therefore giving me access to medical transition in the form of HRT.
Wow that was long! I would not be able to read that if it was written by somebody else!




Like I mentioned above I am into linguistics and language learning! So naturally this list is gonna have quite a few languages, more than just one or two lol.
In the order I learnt them in (for those I'm still learning it's in the order of proficiency):

  1. Polish - Native, first language, learnt at like 1 y/o idk
  2. English - Native*, second language, learnt at like 11 y/o, I'm better at English than at Polish funnily enough!
  3. toki pona - wawa, third language, learnt at around 15 y/o, kinda rusty since I haven't been in the community for a while.
  4. German - Learning A1, I wanna move to Austria one day!
  5. Viossa - Learning, somewhat conversational?
  6. Japanese - Learning pre-N5, I know kana and like a few kanji but that's about it

Current Hyperfixation(s)

Do not expect me to consistently update this, but right now on 13.10.2024 [DD/MM/YYYY]:

Languages I made

So many lists wow I almost wanna list ever<ul> (all my languages are licenced under CC0; do with them whatever you like!)