The Multiworld

World 0A – “Earth”, “Reality”, “The Universe”, “The Main World”, “The World”


World 0A is home to the vast majority of life in the Multiworld and all of humanity. It is regarded as the main hub for all the other Worlds and the place where all life originated. It being home to humanity, the only known species in the Multiworld to have developed language, means that it has a lot of nicknames, a few of which are listed in the title of this document, languages other than English naturally have many more of their own names for World 0A. Although it is important to note that many Worlds exhibit voices or beings that can speak to humans, sometimes in unknown languages. This is strong evidence that humans aren't the only species to have developed language, though some believe that these other Worlds or beings learnt how to speak from humans. Exactly what happened in reality is unknown.

World 0A contains the most variety out of all Worlds. Many scientists studying worlds believe that every other World is a reimagination of some part of World 0A. Evidence to counter this theory hasn’t been found yet, for this reason most consider it fact.


Due to its high variety, World 0A's appearance is difficult, perhaps impossible, to describe effectively in a short document. On the largest level it is mostly empty, populated only with occasional galaxies, those being composed of mostly nothing, only with occasional star systems, which themselves contain planets. One of those planets, in one of those star systems, in one of those galaxies, somewhere in the universe, is Earth.

Earth itself is difficult to describe as well, again, due to its high variety. Some parts of it are empty, others are full of life. Some parts are highly populated by humans, others are completely devoid of them. Luckily us, we all are born on earth so we are familiar with its appearance and behavior. For this reason I will not be describing World 0A much further and will instead focus on certain crucial elements of the Multiworld as a whole. If you wish to read more about Earth and World 0A as a whole, feel free to read another freely accessible encyclopedia designed specifically for that.


Humans seem to be particularly important to the Multiworld as a whole. All Worlds except World 0A are subject to humans specifically. They shape themselves around those who enter them. Additionally, those who stare off in the distance find that the World is actively rearranging itself. The Worlds aften seem to have malicious intention towards the humans who enter them. This usually takes the form of the worlds splitting groups who enter them apart and making longterm survival outside World 0A near impossible. Despite this, if one knows where they’re going, it is possible to return back to World 0A from any known world.

It is, of course, unknown whether foreign Worlds truly treat humans as special or if that’s just how they behave. Additionally, although animals have never been found outside World 0A unless intentionally brought out.

Two main theories exist to explain this part of the Multiworld’s behavior: the Homocentric theory and the Universocentric theory.

The former stating that the Multiworld treats humans as most important and that it shapes itself around them. As evidence believers of this theory point to many of the Worlds being built around structures created by humans; Worlds that wouldn’t make sense if humans never existed. This theory however doesn’t explain how the Multiworld could have existed before humans.

The latter states that the Multiworld has always existed with World 0A either being just one part of it, or being the true origin where everything came from. Most importantly humans according to this theory are just another piece of it, with the Multiworld treating them as just another living being existing within it. This theory of course doesn’t on its own explain why so many Worlds appear to shape themselves around humans.

Due to both the theories’ shortcomings many, perhaps even most, choose to believe some combination of both theories. This resource as a whole will attempt to stay neutral, never preaching any specific theory and always just stating the facts as they are observed.


Animals are very common in World 0A, much more common than any other World. Some believe them to hold similar significance in the Multiworld to humans, some even claiming that animals have their own set of Worlds that humans can’t access, but there’s no evidence for such claims.

Many believe that various beings found outside of World 0A are evolved or distorted versions of Earth’s animals perhaps even of humans.


Plants are extremely common in the Multiworld. It is unknown what significance they hold to it. Some believe that the plants found outside of World 0A are in some way not real or not alive, only giving the illusion of a living organism. Only one scientist ever looked into this and concluded that they are living organisms, but more data needs to be collected before anything can be properly concluded.

Connected Worlds

There are three worlds that are known to be connected directly to World 0A, those being World 1A, World 1B and World 1C.

Entering World 1A can happen when one finds a large forest, often one with legends or stories of it being dangerous, especially if people are known to disappear in it. Entering said forest usually takes one to World 1A.

Entering World 1B can happen when one finds an unusual street or alley in a large city. Often one that seems out of place unfamiliar, or one that is missing from maps. Going into it takes one to World 1B.

Entering World 1C can happen while one is dreaming. If one dreams about their own home or a home they used to live in, or occasionally another place that they are very familiar with, it’s possible to find an out of place wooden door. Opening this door and going through it will transport the dreamers mind and body seemlessly into an awake state and into World 1C.